Roger Wicker, U.S. Senator from Mississippi

Roger Wicker

U.S. Senator from Mississippi

Roger Frederick Wicker was born in July 1951 in Pontotoc, Mississippi. He was introduced to the political arena at age 16 when he worked as a page for the  U.S. House of Representatives. He earned an undergraduate degree in journalism and political science and a Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi. He was the student body president at that university.

He served four years as an officer in the United States Air Force and was a member of the Air Force Reserve until his retirement in 2003 as a lieutenant colonel. He was a judge advocate.

He worked for a time as counsel to Congressman Trent Lott on the House Rules Committee, then was elected to the Mississippi State Senate, where he served six years. Wicker was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, serving 12 years there until his appointment to the United States Senate, an office he assumed in December 2007. He has since won re-election.

Wicker is married to the former Gayle Long of Tupelo. They have three grown children. He is a deacon and member of the church choir at First Baptist Church in Tupelo.

In the News…

Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi, ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has proposed an increase in the defense budget that would bring it up to 5 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Current defense spending has been less than 3 percent of the GDP. Part of the senator’s plan would support U.S. defense industrial base and related infrastructure, some of which would be allocated to service branches for building maintenance.

“Our people are the lifeblood of the armed services, but the DOD’s physical infrastructure is the foundation for power projection,” Senator Wicker stated in his plan. “However, DOD has only done one consistent thing as it relates to infrastructure: underfund it.“

Senator Wicker continued, “Both deployed service members, as well as their families back home, have been the ones bearing the brunt of failing buildings and lackluster leadership. From barracks and housing to shipyards and training ranges, we must treat our defense infrastructure as a key enabling capability for competition and conflict.”

Contact this Leader…

Did you pray for Senator Wicker today? You can let him know at:

The Honorable Roger Wicker
U.S. Senator for Mississippi
555 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


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